Monday, December 8, 2008

Militants in Pakistan burned 160 U.S. military logistics vehicles

U.S. forces in Afghanistan and NATO forces based in Pakistan's two back-transfer station on the 7th was almost at the same time armed attack, at least 160 large trucks were destroyed. This is the U.S. military in Afghanistan logistical supply lines from the most painful loss. It is reported that the attack took place in the northwestern Pakistan city of Peshawar near the border with the freight yard.
As the U.S. military in Afghanistan most of the supplies to be transported by road, so this attack exposed the way the U.S. military logistics supply line (Kabalkin channel) of "weakness."
Therefore, the U.S. military in Central Asia to consider the adoption of transit logistics. Nevertheless, the U.S. military still claims that the attack in the fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan and the "base" organization, the remnants of "little impact."
Since 2001 the United States launched the war in Afghanistan, the U.S. military in Afghanistan and NATO forces need a large number of logistical supplies mainly depend on land for transport: volume accounted for more than 75% of all types of materials must arrive by sea in the southern Pakistani port of Karachi , And then was loaded without any identification of the ordinary container, by truck through burr Pass into Afghanistan.
From the beginning of next year, the U.S. military to send more troops to Afghanistan to about 20,000. Most of them deployed to Afghanistan, the U.S. military will be deployed in the vicinity of the capital, Kabul. This will be in 2001 since the outbreak of the war in Afghanistan, the U.S. military for the first time the main force in the southern suburbs of Kabul security. The so-called "military force did not move the existing food", it appears that all parties are aware that the U.S. military logistics supply line of an important role.
January next year, the first U.S. troops arrived in Afghanistan for the 10th Mountain Division under the Third Brigade of the 3500-4000 officers and soldiers, including four infantry brigades, one aviation brigade, detection and logistics troops, as well as in charge of training the Afghan army and police training Mission officers and soldiers. U.S. troops currently stationed in Afghanistan has 32,000 troops, from other local allies of the 30,000 U.S. military personnel, military strength is obviously inadequate.
According to the person in charge at the transfer station, about 300 militants with rocket launchers pre-dawn explosion in the warehouse door, first killed a guard on duty, and then began to set fire to cars. Very soon where 106 died in the sea of fire vehicles, including 70 U.S. troops in Afghanistan is about to use the Hummer jeep. At the same reinforcement of the police after a brief exchange of fire, the militants quitting en masse, the whereabouts are unknown.
Of these, the main U.S. military in Afghanistan near the Pakistan border in southeastern region. Although Afghanistan is not a large area of territory, can only rely on these foreign officers and soldiers can not ensure the long-term stability throughout Afghanistan, an urgent need to deploy a large number of local reinforcements. U.S. forces will focus on the fight against the Taliban in Wardak and gar Luo stronghold, and local reconstruction work.
AP reporters Shi Houzai and Xian Chang that was a heavy U.S. military back-up storage market has become almost in ruins, the wreckage of the car everywhere and people were burned container. It is said that the police attacks in more than 40 minutes later arrived at the scene. Statistics show that the above-mentioned attacks by the transfer of 600 vehicles per month to send supplies to Afghanistan, a very important status.
On the same day, Peshawar near the transfer station has been cut off by another surprise attack, killing more than 60 trucks were burned. Last week, militants have burned down 12 U.S. military back-up truck. In November, militants hijacked and even a Hummer and drive it around to catch the wind. Due to a large number of trucks transporting goods and materials were not equipped with adequate security measures, a lot of material falling into the hands of militants.
The day before, Peshawar car bomb explosion, killing at least 29 people were killed and more than 100 wounded. The attack is a local Shiite mosque and the hotel. After the Mumbai attacks, Pakistan and India tension between the United States worry that Pakistan is now in full preparedness India retaliation, the U.S. military may not be able to fully guarantee the security of logistical supply line.
Afghanistan is a landlocked country behind blocking almost Yizhenyixian not even have to rely on transport coming in from the outside. And the Taliban "base" organization is aware that the fight against this back-up supply can cause big trouble opponents. Early in July this year, there were 3 military transport helicopter missing, despite repeated search is still no trace of the incident so that NATO forces are very shocked.
The U.S. military believes that Pakistan and Afghanistan border vertical and horizontal mountain terrain is very complicated terrain, where the Taliban and has been the "base" of the main members of the "distribution center." However, due to the U.S. ban on the Palestinian side to carry out immigration "cleaning up" the United States can not send troops to escort convoys of logistics, in most cases can only be taken by way of missile attacks against various types of suspicious goals.
So far this year, all the more critical the situation in Afghanistan, the Taliban continue to expand its influence, largely to regain control of the southern city of Kandahar, and continue to send militants "Northern Expedition", in Kabul a few dozen kilometers away from the local base set up. Sometimes, even members of the Taliban cut off from Kabul to the southern part of Afghanistan's road traffic and to snatch a large number of military supplies.
This year the Taliban through the opium trade profit of about 500,000,000 U.S. dollars. This is so worried that the U.S. military, the majority of the members of the Taliban will not travel to Pakistan this winter, "cold", but left with the U.S. military to fight guerrilla warfare. If the Taliban come back, then the U.S. military since the beginning of the end of 2001 the local anti-terrorist war will be forced to "rework." Therefore the U.S. must first ensure the security of the Afghan capital.
The recent attacks in Mumbai and the supply line aware of the crisis in the United States, including Afghanistan in South Asia's tremendous potential terrorist attacks, "the energy." As the planning of this attack is likely to be militants of the Taliban or "base" of the organization and training assistance, the United States will not sit idly by, or is likely to be a threat to its own interests


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